To Compromise Is To Be Complicit.

Our country is becoming two separate families, and we don’t really like each other very much. Both families claim the same nation, but each has a very different understanding of why this country is here and, maybe more importantly, where it should be going.

My natural instinct, believe it or not, is to find common ground and seek ways to move forward together. I’m a peacemaker, not an ideologue. There’s ample room for compromise in almost every situation. Continue reading

Kim Jong Trump

Article 33 of the Geneva Convention prohibits “collective punishment.”  Simply put, it’s against the rules to punish someone for something they didn’t personally do.  Makes sense at an innate level.

We understand basic fairness from the time we are babies.  We cannot internalize cause and effect when we’re being punished for something that someone else did.

Instead, the cause and effect will shift away from the behavior being punished and toward something that makes more instinctive sense. Continue reading